Now: Packed and off to work
This weekend was the official one year anniversary of Bibsey Blog and to celebrate I spent the day on the sofa with the eponymous, and very sick and floppy, Bibsey watching back-to-back Charlie and Lola and keeping the sick bowl in reach and on standby. Poor poor poppet.
The washing machine worked a double shift and Mr B was to be found strategically placing smelly candles around the house (not his usual M.O.) to combat the unmistakable odour of sick child. The last two nights have essentially been one long game of musical beds, without the music, but with numerous wardrobe and bedding changes. Bibsey and I have been engaged in what seems like an extended 36 hour cuddle. I can’t say that I don’t love that bit of being the sick baby mummy – the cuddling.
Health, normality (whatever) and fresh air are slowly returning. And I have found a moment to sit and write.

Then: Very small containable person
It seems incredible how far we have come in a year. When I started blogging last January I had an eight month old baby who was still breast feeding, napping twice a day, not walking, not talking, gorgeous. A baby. Now I have a little girl. A walking, talking, marmite on toast-eating, tiny tantrum-throwing, more gorgeous by the day little girl.
At times during the last year it has been a bit of a challenge to find the time and energy to keep blogging and the last couple of weeks have been just like that. Bibsey has started with a child-minder. This is HUGE for me… not so much for her. She has been twice now and is taking it all in her stride. She gets to hang out with a couple of her little friends and to crack-on with a bit of Spanish.
And I am getting my arse into gear preparing to start work again. This also is HUGE for me after nearly 2 years off the market. I have been dusting off my skills and kit, doing a bit of research and resurrecting my old business blog. More on this later no doubt. Expect blogs about self-doubt, poor time-management, minor victories, major disasters and general disorganisation.
Happy Birthday to Us then. I guess that it wouldn’t be overstating it to say that blogging and the blogging community has kept me a little bit sane over the last year. So, I will keep going, even though other things may have to take priority right now, because I enjoy it.
Thanks for reading and please stick around for another year and a new chapter at Bibsey Towers.
Here’s a joyful little video to celebrate like I should