I spent an evening with a good friend recently and it ended in tears. Tears of laughter I am happy to add. I only bother to write a post about it because I cannot remember the last time that I laughed like this. And you don’t need me to tell you that it feels good.
I won’t lie. Wine was involved. It was a balmy night and all the kids were tucked up after an afternoon of fun in the pool and running riot around the garden. We had been sitting out chatting and looking out over the twinkling city as the sun went down. My friend has a sublime view of mountain and city from the decadent comfort of her pool terrace. Woe is me to have such friends, right?
The laughing jag occurred just before our bedtime. We can’t even really remember what set it off. But we were, of course, on fire and hilarious the pair of us. Please, someone, put us on stage. Erm, or don’t. My friend’s husband kindly said the morning after, when questioned, that we weren’t too drunk and disorderly, but he really didn’t know what we were so hysterical about.
It was the kind of laughing that began with your regular loud guffaw, developed into a full body-shaking Muttley chuckle, mutated into a silent wracking laugh accompanied by tears, and was followed by a loud sigh and an involuntary hoot. Of course the hoot is what starts you off again…
So, that is all. Just sharing a moment. I laughed until I cried and my stomach muscles ached. Brilliant. Is there really any better therapy? What has made you laugh recently?

This was the sunset