Au resevoir Beau Savage
One of the up sides at this late stage in the competition is that there are only six couples and six dances to talk about. Less nonsense from the Strictly Desk here at the Bibsey Towers Ballroom you might think? Well, yes, for one week only… next week it is two dances and a double elimination. Yikes. I had better give my child away to strangers and put Mr B on a diet to keep up.
Anywackers, back to the week just gone: movie week. As usual I have been playing Strictly catch-up and living, as I do, up a Spanish mountain, I was not watching the show realtime on Saturday night. Instead I was receiving a blow by blow account from a couple of cracked tweeters who were aware of my can’t-watch-strictly-realtime frustration.
Here I shall publish (without permission) some excerpts from their Saturday Strictly Tweetage:

So far so fairly unhelpful...

.. entering the realms of utter nonsense now
As you can see any serious hopes that I might have had of using their commentary for my Strictly post were dashed against the vodka rocks quite early on.
Beau Savage: Sadly it was au resevoir to the reformed badman of football. Mr Blonde went out on a good dance don’t you think? – a quickstep to Little Green Bag from Resevoir Dogs. He and Ola found themselves in the bottom two with Donovan and a very emotional Rihanoff. And he was incredibly gracious to their red light rivals on Claude’s sofa, claiming that he didn’t really know what he was still doing in the competition. People like you Robbie.
Aye can-rumba: I was truly looking forward to Harry and Aliona’s rumba. It wasn’t as hot as I thought that it was going to be, but oh my, wasn’t it romantic? And of course that was the way to go with the Robin Hood theme right?
Jones and Jordan: Danced a lovely elegant american smooth to Pretty Woman. The red dress looked amazing even when it was caught in her heel. Can I just say that if I was her I would hit over the head with a tap shoe the next person who said how much I had “improved”. I know that this is their Strictly ‘stooory’ darling, but really enough of the “did you see how bad she was in week one” quips.

Zorroful performance
Paso Valance: Figh-nally Holly has got me liking her work. I kind of like her attitude to the whole competition now that things are hotting up (competitive enough to give her edge but you couldn’t see her spiking any of her rivals with laxative before the semis). I loved the Zoro theme and music and her gorgeous hands and arms and the flamenco feel. It was so right that she wasn’t in the red light of doom again this week. Well DONE the public.
Jason GetinthebackoftheVan: American smooth to Singing in the Rain was undeniably smoooth, despite the mistake that wasn’t picked up by the camera (that’s why we have judges, right?). I love that scene and I love Gene Kelly. So why is it that I just don’t want him to win? He’s good… but, well here’s a reason right here…
Chelsee the Crackerjack: Wow that little girl never danced better. She had Len Goodman slapping his thigh with gusto on Claude’s sunday sofa. Jiving with Shrek! to I’m a Believer. She was really moving. With ease. And most importantly, with joy. I loved it. And the girl is so hilariously without hardened celebrity guile. When faced with one of Tess Daly’s more inane cue card questions: “Did you feel like you were staring in your very own strictly movie?”* she simply had no response but to say “I don’t know”. It’s alright love the question barely made any sense.
So, Robbie vs Jason? It was the right time for Robbie to go and he said it himself. Do we all agree? And, a double eviction. Who is going to go? For me? I couldn’t see a final without Chelsee or Harry. Who would you like to see in the final?
*or some such bollocks