I made pact (not exactly Faustian, but pretty devilish all the same) with the blogging fairies to post every day in April (‘cept Sundays) to the letters of the alphabet.
But today I come to my precious MacBook and I find that my blog is undone! Someone has neglected to come up with a solid idea for the letter U. Heads will roll, that I promise, but in the meantime it’s time for a bit of plagiarism and tinkerism.
Surely this is ok if I am upfront about it?
Here we go…
We’re going on a blog hunt.
We’re going to write the big one.
What a beautiful blank page!
We’re not blogged-out.
Uh-oh! A hole!
A great big U-shaped hole where my post should be.
We can’t go over it.
We can’t go under it.
Oh no!
We’ve go to go through it.
Drivel Crap!
Drivel Crap!
Drivel Crap!
We’re going on a blog hunt.
We’re going to write the big one.
What a beautiful blank page!
We’re not blogged-out.
Uh-oh! An idea!
A silly idea taking shape where my post should be.
We can’t go over it.
We can’t go under it.
Oh no!
We’ve go to go through it.
Wibble Tut!
Wibble Tut!
Wibble Tut!
One silly title!
Followed by much about nothing!
Quick! Back through the silly idea! Wibble Tut! Wibble Tut!
Back through the U-shaped hole! Drivel Crap! Drivel Crap!
Go to the tool bar. Shut down WordPress. Close the browser. Go to the fridge.
Oh no!
We forgot to switch off the MacBook.
Back to the laptop. Switch it off.
Back to the fridge. Pour yourself a glass.
On to the sofa. Feet up.

For those who might not know, this entire post was based on this brilliant book. Often read and highly recommended by all here at Bibsey Towers
A bit of a cop out? Sorry. For tomorrow it is the letter V. I was planning a VLOG but somehow that piece of film has managed not to shoot itself… *blogland heaves collective sigh of relief*