Morning all. I hope that you had a lovely Easter.
You may now be wondering (or just as likely not) what a louche ‘n’ lazy, livin’ in the sun, expat blogger like me is doing on the blog so bright and early on a Monday morning. Well here’s why…
I am blogging from AtoZ again. Yes, that’s right. Every day in April with Sundays off to accommodate some bad behaviour. Sounds like it’s going to be carnage.
But what the hell! Spring is here at last and what with getting back to work, managing a busy pre-schooler’s social itinerary and entertaining visitors I wondered what the hell else I was going to do with my time. Heap on some pressure, that’s what I say.
I also hold with the expression: If you want something done, ask a busy person. I have cast myself as the busy person in this little drama, do you see? I’d like to report that I put myself through a rigorous casting process, but that would be a lie. I was the only one to audition so I gave me the part.
Last year I had no theme and just about scraped to the end. This year I haven’t exactly picked a theme, but I will taking the inspiration for my post titles from the work of clever and talented people who have already had considerable success with them before. This in the hope that some of their creative genius will rub off on me. Any similarity with the work of these clever and talented people will end with the title, after which I will be projecting my standard line of personal drivel. You should read it everyday. Really, you should.
Today’s title was inspired by the film Alpha Dog. The link is lose as you can see there has been no trash talking, kidnapping, gun toting, drug dealing, Sharon Stone in a fat suit (happily), or Timberlake torso (sadly), which I think is kinda restrained of me don’t you, biatches? Ach, couldn’t just sign off without just a little bit of trash talk now could I?
Click on the big banner below for more romps through the alphabet or to join. I think you still have until the end of the day to sign-up. Go on!