Author: bibsey mama
Ever decreasing circles of glamour
I won’t lie to you. Life has been less than glamorous of late. On my recent visit to the UK I found myself alone and in the Tesco coffee shop actually undoing my top button and zip before embarking on an enormous scone with clotted cream and jam. The scone wasn’t even that great, but … [Read more…]

And so I am being dragged kicking and screaming, by the hair backwards, through a hedge by wild horses, in the form of JB (Super) Mum of One, back into the land of the blogging. Jennifer, who is wantful of lovely shoes and a gorgeous red dress (among other things), has tagged me in a … [Read more…]
High on a hill
¡Hola todos! It’s been a while, so of course I may be playing to an empty hall, but you’ll hear no excuses from me. This is my blog after all and not my job. Bibs and I have been off on a fab-u-lous three week whistle stop tour of England. Thank you to all family … [Read more…]