Author: bibsey mama
So good at this mother daughter business am I, that I left a panicked and rather garbled message on my mum’s phone wishing her Happy Mother’s Day last Sunday. Yes, I am that good. I then went on to stir up panic in my sister who lives in Germany, and so may also have missed … [Read more…]
Go shout it on the mountain
It’s been a good day. The kind of day that, as an expat, helps to justify your choices. The choices that in your darker moments you agonise over, like: What the hell am I doing here away from so many of the people that I love and who love me? I think that it is … [Read more…]
The tyranny of the vocabulary

As much as it is a joy witnessing your child learning to speak, and it is a joy, it comes at a price. The joy, it seems, is not entirely unmitigated. Joy and yikes! come in almost equal measure in fact. In particular there has been much joy at the occasional use of ‘please’ and ‘yanks’ … [Read more…]