Author: bibsey mama
Lo siento muchisimo

I’m sorry. Sorry. For myself and now for my daughter. Yikes. If ever there was a word to come out of my mouth too easily, and too often, it is the word sorry. I suspect that I often say sorry when what I really want is for someone to say it to me. Like, erm, … [Read more…]
Black Beauty and the power of the Pimgins
Such is the genius of Mr B, that he has discovered a new and utterly delightful (for me for me for me yip yip yipeeeee) way of dealing with a grumpy toddler. You see needs must when the devil drives, and yesterday the devil was driving our kid at full throttle, inducing feelings of fear and … [Read more…]
Around the world in 80 words ~ Lamma Island
The travel desk over at SAHDANDPROUD is rewriting the map of the world 80 words at a time and here’s how. In my usual dithery, too-many-places-and-enough-time, style I have procrastinated far too long about my entry. And so now, in 80 words, for those are the rules, I shall attempt to transport you to Lamma Island, Hong Kong … [Read more…]