Author: bibsey mama
20 December 2011 ~ a funny old day
Today, I get to boast about my daughter. She said “Yanks mummy” when I gave her a spoon for her cornflakes this morning. Good manners will get you a long way my angel. She spent hours in the car today as we raced about doing Christmas shopping and other bollocks stuff that she can see … [Read more…]
Strictly Bibsey ~ Finally!
Joy of joys! I got to watch the final live on telly with a glass in hand, rather than the next day on my MacBook brandishing a potato peeler. Well nearly. I was at a mulled wine party being thrown by my good friend @chinketta, who thought, rather naively, that her fully stoked guests would … [Read more…]
Saturday Caption ~ The long walk

It’s time for a Saturday caption! There was no #SatCap submission from Bibsey Towers last week because we went out for a very long and very tiring walk… Have you got a caption for this very sleepy shot? Pop it in the comments box and then pop over to Mammasaurus to join in more Saturday … [Read more…]