… ad infinitum et ad nauseum . Mwah ha ha ahha ha ha.
That’s my evil laugh for those unfamiliar.
After a brief dalliance with html code and uploading images to an ftp site, I am back in da house and online. Yay! Let everyone cheer like they do when Princess Polly uses her potty for wee wees and poos. WordPress has been tamed and shamed. All thanks go to Mr B, the Grand Old Duke of T’internet. He spent the best part of his evening yesterday exchanging emails with someone called Brian at my hosting company help desk in Bangalore. God bless Mr B.
Re-entering my back office, to find things as they once were, was a bit like coming home. That sentence was my own homespun version of internet p*rn.
In other news, Bibsey is so close to going on the potty we can almost taste it. Yuck! to almost tasting it, but Yay! to going on the potty. A couple of months ago she did a single solitary poo all of her own accord on the potty, but never repeated the performance. Yesterday she did a wee on the potty at the child minder’s, but at home nada, niente, nix… there has been much sitting on the potty (in and out of nappies) and a great deal of exclaiming “I did it” alongside the presentation of nothing in the potty…
Now travel forward in time with me to a couple of hours after I started this post and we have lift-off. Bibs did a wee on the pot. And as a reward has been awarded her first pair of knickers from their hiding place in the cupboard above the oven. Suspect my work as a mother is now done. Not sure what I will do with myself now that she no longer needs me.
Hold on. No retirement yet. She has weed on the floor in her big girl’s pants. The job is back on. Quite pleased really as I wasn’t quite ready to let go.
Any potty training stories that you would like to share? In the meantime, for some really fab potty training tips visit Medicated Follower of Fashion and for help with WordPress please don’t call Mr B because I think fixing my blog may have broken him.