My god, never before have those words been so poignant. There are sooo many reasons not to look down anymore (or straight ahead at the bathroom mirror). Since having the Bibsey things have changed. I am positively Rubenesque.

Just checking for rectal prolapse
I say positively because according to Wikipedia Rubenesque is synonymous with Big Beautiful Woman, voluptuous and (loving this new word, going to use it whenever I can) zaftig. All are suggestive of ripeness and sensuality. So how come I feel dried up (thanks breastfeeding) and a little bit mental? Mental being the best word that my go-to-online-antonym-generator could come up with for the opposite of sensual.
To be fair, I have lost my baby weight (thanks breastfeeding and Andalucían hillsides) but I am still left wondering where my waist went. And my bum has flattened (this is a bit of a bummer as it was a part of my body that I was previously quite ok with) which I am guessing is due to relaxing ligaments resulting in pelvic drift. So I am slimmer yet wider somehow – win/loose.
Something else has changed. And I am not sure if I am ready to talk about it. Clearly not going to let that stop me. I haven’t braved the doctors. And I haven’t Looked (capital L). In fact I have only Looked once since the birth and that was to check the episiotomy scar. And things have ‘moved’ on since then anyway. So, I haven’t Looked and neither has anyone else. Do the words rectal prolapse (I am so not going to tag this) mean anything to you? And what do you think of self-diagnosing from the internet in general?
Ok, I am going to have to stop me there before I say too much. I think I have said enough. We haven’t even covered my boobs yet – and they should be, covered I mean, always and forever now.
I am off to do my kegels.