P is for Paint. Painting. Painter. Painting it however you like.
I am not great on the arts and crafts front with Bibsey. She always gets to do lots of stuff like that with the childminder and I don’t like the extra mess you see. There is only so much room for mess in this house, and all of that has more or less been spoken for. By me.
Also, it transpires, I am not very good with the whole letting go of control thing. I have to ‘help’ you see. But not so much in a ‘helpful’ way as in a ‘let mummy do it’ way. I am sure I could see my friend, who teaches little ones, cringing at my direction of glue and glitter. Time for a change I thought.
Inspired by the creative likes of Mammasaurus and Cupcake Mumma, I relented for Bibsey’s birthday. She has been asking for paints for a while. So here we are on her birthday finger painting and brush painting with poster paints. And, what can I tell you? It was fun. And she just did her thing and I did mine and the sky didn’t fall in and we didn’t even make an irreparable mess. I am almost disappointed.
And here is her creation. Rather fab I think. Is that a coded message in the middle? The bottom right hand corner is the work of the wind as we hung our pictures up to dry on the washing line.
We also got a bit free with the glitter. Now that was a mess.
I am blogging from AtoZ along with a bunch of other nutters and feeling like we might be over the mid-alphabetical hump. I am also linking this post up with Mummy Mugshots over at Life, Love and Living with Boys where mummies get out from behind the camera and into the action.