I write this blog post in manner of the slack student who is late, very late, for a lecture and is trying to sneak in at the back unnoticed. I am trying not to stumble or cough or spill coffee on anyone’s head. You know, attempting to appear as though I have been present and correct the whole time and that I know exactly what is going on which, clearly, I don’t.

Menace dressed as Tinkerbell. That’s a cousin under there.
It would seem that I have missed the beginning of the blogging term. My New Year wishes and resolutions posts are overdue and by now and I should be Helms Deep in hilarious yet touching posts about my wayward and beautiful two year old and the trials of life in a cloud up a mountain in Spain.
Meh! As in life, so in blogging. Or something. I am late. I have been waiting for something to happen so that I can write about it. Yet, happily, my life seems to have taken a turn into the realms of the comfortably content. I have no expat outrage brewing, no tales of poo and not even one broken limb to report.
What I can tell you about is the weather right now, at this very moment. Mr B has just raced downstairs to tell me that we have horizontal rain outside, and we do. It’s weird because the sun is out too somewhere close by, and we are actually in the cloud, but the rain out there is, as he said, horizontal. Which I haven’t seen since Hong Kong. Crazy horizontal rain.
Do you see? Ain’t nothing going on but the weather.
Happy New Year y’all. I hope that you have all had a stonking start to the year. I am looking forward to hearing/reading all about it.
Aces! I have broken my 2013 blogging seal (no aquatic animals or ex-Mr Klums harmed in the writing of this post and all that). See you soon. x