Saturday Caption
Saturday Caption ~ Cookie Monster
It’s Saturday, so let’s play Saturday Caption… actually it is not going to take a genius (no offence) to work out what’s going on in the picture below. I also feel bound to point out that these are home-made chocolate chip cookies. Yet more photographic evidence of my steady decline into the ranks of the … [Read more…]
Saturday Caption ~ big fat raspberry
Good morning Captionisers. It’s been a while since I posted for Mammasaurus’ Saturday Caption. I’d got a bit tangled up in business of December, January and Scratchmyarsary. And not only that, my flipping camera is mortally krank so I am sharing with Mr B… anyhoodledoo, less of the excuses and more captionising. Mine’s a clip this … [Read more…]
Saturday Caption ~ The long walk
It’s time for a Saturday caption! There was no #SatCap submission from Bibsey Towers last week because we went out for a very long and very tiring walk… Have you got a caption for this very sleepy shot? Pop it in the comments box and then pop over to Mammasaurus to join in more Saturday … [Read more…]