Stunning scenery
What a fab opportunity to crow about how lovely it is here in Southern Spain. Not just gratuitous boasting but invited and encouraged smuggery. Thanks as ever to Ella at Notes From Home for the Friday Club Carnival. The theme this week: Why do you live where you live?.
We moved from London to Spain when I was newly pregnant and only had the very basics of the language. One baby, a house move and much cava later we are still here. Why did we come?
1. For a simpler less complicated life… we kick oranges along the path here not empty Stella cans on the pavement (thanks to a comment from Mañana Mama for this particular comparison).
2. For the hills the wild flowers the sea the mountains the lakes. It is just beautiful here. If we are ever feeling a bit gloomy or a bit claustrophobic (I am a SAHM and Mr B is a WFHD so things can get a little ontop sometimes) we just go for a walk or jump in the car and drive. Within minutes we are reminded of why we came and why we stay.
3. To learn a new language. I love the language and the challenge of learning it for my poor brain addled by years of Grazia, Heat and Coronation Street (oh how I do miss you) and after work drinking. I could/should be better but perhaps get out less than I used to now that I have a small child, so I don’t beat myself up about it. And I just keep plugging away.

Bibsey Towers
4. Because we can rent a three bed house with a swimming pool (albeit a dinky one) for less than a third of what we were paying in London. It was a lovely flat and we had fun there but it was time to move on.
5. Because children play happily and safely in the village streets. The Spaniards love, but love Children. They take them out at night. They are welcome pretty much everywhere. For us this feels like a better place to bring up our little girl.
6. For the sunshine of course.
7. Because if you are in labour and dashing to the hospital in your car you can drive at whatever speed you like if you have a white hankie flying from your window. I have not tried this. I haven’t seen this. But I have heard it and I believe it. Did I mention that the Spanish love children? Well they love a lady who is heavy with child nearly as much. So a woman on her way to giving birth… well let’s say she has a trump card in her hand. However, once she reaches the hospital… oops sorry that was another post.
I do miss London and friends and family. But I am sure that we made the right decision to move here. Mr B has a slightly less rosy memory of life in London and I leave all the ‘Meldrewing’ to him. Spain isn’t all a bed of roses of course and there are lots of ways in which life is harder here than it was in London. This post however, was a great opportunity to be entirely positive and joyful about the place. Thanks Ella.
To read about where other people are living and why visit Notes From Home Friday Club Carnival or follow the links below to see the other entries in this carnival:
Isil at Smiling Like Sunshine tells us Home is where the heart is.
Jules at I Need Curtains for the Window In My Head posts Why Do I Live Where I Do?
South of the River Mum writes about Bringing up children in London.
Scribbling Mum explains why she lives where she does.
Jacq from Mymumdom posts about why she lives in London.
Rachel at Midlife Singlemum tells us Why she lives in Israel.
Kelly at Domestic Goddesque tells us about Wonderful, wonderful Bromley, and why I live there.
Bibsey Mama gives us 7 reasons to live in Spain in Cool España.
Helen at Cheeky Wipes tells us There’s Always a Compromise.
Jenny at The Gingerbread House tells us about her home in Our house.
Cass at The Diary of a Frugal Family tells us Home is Where The Heart Is.
Jax at Live Otherwise/Making it Up explains Why I live here. Right here. In this house.
Emma at MummyMummyMum tells us about where she lives.
Cara at Freckles Family posts Where I Call Home.
Merry at Patch of Puddles writes Why I Live Where I Live.
Pure Lanzarote tell us the reasons for their choice in Why live in Lanzarote?
Ella at Notes From Home explains her choices in Why we live where we do.