Author: bibsey mama
A lot of old yadda

Y if for Yadda. A lot of old yadda has been talked on my blog over the last few weeks. I don’t know why I am writing this in the passive voice. The yadda has come directly from me and has pretty much gone along the lines of: #atozchallenge yadda yadda, A is for arse … [Read more…]
In praise of Xanthippe

X is for Xanthippe. In dim distant early April when I started the A-Z Challenge, I mentioned that I would write about xylophones when I got to the letter X. I tried, but I just can’t do it. I was boring even MYSELF. No offence to percussionists out there but I am just not qualified … [Read more…]
Top 5 Wishes for my Daughter
W is for Wishes. Hooray. I was so hoping that one of the Listography challenges over at Kate Takes 5 would dovetail with my April Alphabetical Odyssey, and it has! This week she asks: If you were able to influence the Fairy Godmother, what would you wish for your children? Here’s mine: For today I wish … [Read more…]
V is for Beerhen and Baheena… it is
V is for Beerhen and Baheena… it is. I put a tweet out today asking for suggestions for today’s letter – the letter V. But because this is a family type blog – ish, I did say that vaginas need not apply. Oops! I’ve just lost as least one reader with that word: my sister. … [Read more…]