Author: bibsey mama
Saturday Caption ~ big fat raspberry

Good morning Captionisers. It’s been a while since I posted for Mammasaurus’ Saturday Caption. I’d got a bit tangled up in business of December, January and Scratchmyarsary. And not only that, my flipping camera is mortally krank so I am sharing with Mr B… anyhoodledoo, less of the excuses and more captionising. Mine’s a clip this … [Read more…]
What’s on your pod man?
So, I was tagged for the What’s on your MP3 player? meme by the lovely Helloitsgemma and Five Go Blogging (click the links to check out what their iPods have thrown up). Thanks for thinking of me dudes. Actually, when I saw this meme I thought great, no thought involved, just shuffle, post and publish. And … [Read more…]
We’ve come a long long way baby ~ Anniversary
This weekend was the official one year anniversary of Bibsey Blog and to celebrate I spent the day on the sofa with the eponymous, and very sick and floppy, Bibsey watching back-to-back Charlie and Lola and keeping the sick bowl in reach and on standby. Poor poor poppet. The washing machine worked a double shift … [Read more…]