These days the new words falling from Bibsey’s lips are coming thick and fast. This week we had our first three-word sentence: “It’s a ball!”

What, me mum? I didn't say a word.
I love it! Mostly though it is the one-word statements that prevail like: moon, nose (this is an obsession at the moment – everything that moves is having it’s nose pointed out to it with a sticky Bibsey finger), cup, car, book, bath, bed, bin, bottle, cuddle, wee wee (which covers all things that go on in her nappy and keeps me on my toes). The list goes on. Of course the words (that Mr B and I have learned to recognise) come out rather more like this: mooo, noh, cah, cah, bah, beee, bi, bopple, cuggle… and so you get the picture.
Now, what I am hearing here is poor e-nun-ci-ation and a lack of care about finishing her words. Do you see? And, like any self-respecting, over-thinking mother, have wondered (only momentarily) if she having trouble with her speech or maybe her hearing. This of course is sometimes serious matter, so I don’t want to make light of it here. There is a gorgeous little boy that I know whose speech has been improved by having grommits (little tubes that clear fluid from the ear) inserted in his ears so that he can hear better.
Any concerns that I might have about her hearing are not helped by the fact that of course, as a fast growing, and increasingly willful toddler, she sometimes just ignores me. Shocking isn’t it?
Well, I realised yesterday that I need not worry about her hearing or her speech any more. I had my back to her and was chucking some rubbish in the ‘bi’. I missed and muttered “sh*t” under my breath (and by that I mean right out loud). Can you imagine what happened next?
Yes, she repeated the word back to me so perfectly. No missing ‘T’ . I imagine that it could have been worse but I also realise that we are now under a new regime at Bibsey Towers. Four letter words have no place here. They are out of the window along with nose-picking, bum-scratching, late-night parties…
Clearly this was the proudest moment of my motherhood-to-date. What’s yours?
I am linking this post up to Mummy…Mummy…Mum’s Friday Funny and Actually Mummy’s Wot So Funee? because it is kinda funny and it is Friday.