N is for names. How did you name your blog?
I’ll go first shall I? I sometimes wonder if people may be a little put off by the name of my blog. It doesn’t really tell you very much about the content at first glance. It hardly does what it says on the tin. A name like Bibsey might conjure up images of some frilly-aproned, apple pie-baking home maker. Not me then. Or perhaps it would put you in mind of a girl’s boarding school where you might find the friends of Miranda Hart Milly, Tilly, Bella, Bunty, Hootie, Pussy, Puggle and Podge and erm, Bibsey.
Bibsey was in fact the name that we gave to my daughter when she was in the womb and which has kind of stuck. Mr B in his wisdom bought the domain and the rest is history. She also goes by several other ridiculous names including: Bibsey Wibbler, Wibble Bot, Bibble Bot and jut plain Wibble. Honestly I just don’t know if she is ever going to forgive us.
Last November, while a number of bloggists – who ironically, at the time, I thought were rather nuts – were facing the blog-a-day madness that was NaBloPoMo, I posted a post inviting everyone to have a look at pictures of my swamp of a kitchen, where I do my blogging, and to post something similar.
There are so many blogs out there that I wonder about. What was the thought behind the names?
Take Helloitsgemma for example. I like to think that Gemma sat down, or reclined, one day in front of her laptop and the vastness of cyber space and typed into the blog header ‘hello it’s Gemma’…
SAHDandProud, Motherventing, Adventures of a Middle-aged Matron, Mummy is a gadget geek, Mum of One… well clearly they all do exactly what they say on the tin. But I wonder what other names they considered in the process…
There are some other great blog names out there that are more cryptic, whimsical and intriguing. I would like to know about Cat’s Yellow days, Cheetahs in my shoes, Bod for Tea and Mañana Mama. Strictly speaking these are not taggings (I sense a little Meme malaise out there in blogland sometimes), but merely a little wondering outloud, a subtle invitation to share.
Today I am asking a different question: What’s with your blog name? What was the inspiration? What names did you consider and then ditch? Please leave me a comment or drop me a link if you post about it. Tag forward if you’d like, or don’t if you wouldn’t.