Blog I mean. Where do you blog?

My slutty blogplatz
Here is a picture of my precious MacBook Pro in amongst the potato peelings. This is not a life that I had imagined for it when I brought it home from the Apple Store. I had hoped to offer a cosseted existence of comfort and luxury, where there were no sticky fingers or hard, tiled floors. Instead I hurl it about the place and use it as a chopping board (ok, not quite but it makes for a good image right?).
At the time of writing I was catching up on X Factor (I am weeks behind because, as you may know, in my house SCD comes first), while cooking dinner and blogging and tweeting. Oh, and of course checking Facebook. I stopped for a moment and decided to take a picture of the whole sorry scene.
So, where do you blog? And what does the state of your blogplatz say about you?
I would love to know if you are all slatterns like me, who blog wherever and whenever you can, even if that is in the toilet – it has been known at Bibsey Towers, although needing a poo is no guarantee of privacy in this house. Or maybe you are a saintly, super-neat and organised person and have a special dedicated and hallowed area for blogging, tweeting, writing etc
This is an open invitation but, just to get the ball rolling, I am going to tag (no obligation naturally, especially for those with several children or who have recently given birth*) some bloggers about whom I would particularly like to know – Saint or Slattern:
Motherventing – does it on cushions with chocolate
Mummy Mummy Mum does it precariously
Martyr-hood* does it on the table… and the floor…
And just to prove that I don’t only read blogs beginning with the letter ‘M’:
ExpatBabyAdventures – Expat Mammy has a room to do it in.
Helloitsgemma’sblog – Gemma does it in bed Barbara Cartland stylie.
Now I know that some of those tagged above are on the NaBloPoMo trail and so might welcome some quick and easy blog fodder. So if you fancy sharing leave a comment or:
- take a photo of your blogplatz just as it is right now (or tart it up if that sounds like fun)
- post your picture (with or without words) and link back here if you like (that would be lovely)
- and then tag some bloggers whose personal blogging habits are a source of great fascination to you, so that we may all know about them.
PS. Just in case you were wondering, in the right of the picture is a yogurt pot with cava in it. This is what I have been reduced to – drinking out of yogurt pots. Since getting pregnant and giving birth no wine glass is safe from my elbows. These pots, while not glamourous, are very practical. And they are like Weebles – they wobble, but they don’t fall down.
Part of the Love Mummy Blogs Showcase on 9 November 2011