Gently rocking backward and forward in the corner
Yeah yeah yeah. Happy Valentine’s Day. Yadda, yadda, yadda. And all that. Suspect that I have rendered myself entirely unlovable today.
It’s only 11am and I am already sick of the sound of my own voice. Leave it. Don’t touch. Let go. Don’t do that. Put it on. Take it off. Sit down. Stand up. Stay still. Come here. What did you do that for? Pick it up. Put it back. Right, that’s it, Mummy’s angry now.
And on, and on, and on. And that is just my conversations with Bibsey.
Erm, I didn’t get much sleep last night. Or the night before. Can you tell?
Please tell me someone that I am not the only banshee-mother-of-a-nearly-two-year-old in blogland…