I simply couldn’t resist this week’s listography challenge from Kate Takes 5. Here are my simple pleasures.

Pittstop at the acequia
1. Kicking oranges along the path when we go for a walk. Mr B and I call the game Naranja del día or Orange de jour. The idea is to get an orange all the way round the circuit (from start to finish of the walk) without it ending up in the acequia (irrigation channel) or rolling away down the hill taking an old lady with it.
2. Drinking coffee in the morning and cava in the bath. Real coffee from a pot with hot frothed milk. Must have. And actually cava anywhere anytime.
3. Hearing Bibsey laugh like a drain at some silly game like hide and seek behind the sofa.
4. Sneaking into bed after the dream feed with my MacBook and watching episodes of Mujeres Desperadas or Anatomía de Grey in Spanish with English subtitles. I also love a bit of Little House on the Prairie.
5. S.L.E.E.P.I.N.G. So simple. So pleasurable. So near and yet so far.
And here just for This Mid 30s Life are the Little House on the Prairie theme tunes.