¡Hola todos! Soy yo, Bibsey. Yes, it’s me, and I am running the show today. It has been a while since I posted and this time we find ourselves in much happier circumstances.
There is a nice lady called Mary, who also lives near the mountains and sea, like us, but in far away place called Asturias. I’ve seen a picture of it on a tub of butter I think. Anyway, she has given us a lovely thing called a Sunshine Award which is a Big Orange Flower that bloggers give to other “bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere”.
Well, that’s nice isn’t it? I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking that the ‘creative inspiration’ is not coming from the cooking and cleaning posts.
The actual flower is not actually in my hand because I am still at that apparently exasperating stage where I pull pretty things like that apart petal-by-petal. But it is me the Eponymous Bibsey that will be accepting the Big Orange Flower – that I am not allowed to touch – on behalf of the Team here at Bibsey Towers. This is because the old lady says that it is me that provides and the sunshine on the blog. Fair enough.
The fact is, that even though She tries to be cool, She really loves the attention and would probably make a fool of herself, in the manner of that stringy bint Gwyneth Paltrow, if allowed anywhere near this particular podium. No, much better that I handle the acceptance and the press, don’t you think?
Anyway, there are only three rules to follow in accepting the award, which is good because I am a kid and we don’t like rules, and I can count to three… I think:
- I must thank the person who gave this award in a blog post: Thank you nice lady Mary. Mwah! A big Bibsey smacker for you.
- Then do the Q&A below: A bit like a test, but I think that I aced it.
- And finally pass on the award to 10 sunshiny bloggers, inform them and link to their blogs: Will need a bit of help from the old lady for that at the end.
Favorite Color I think the She would say my favourite colour is pink, but I really like orange. I really, really WANT that flower.
- Favorite Animal I like Pimgins best. But I also like Miss Moppet and Tom Kitten. They are pretty cheeky monkeys those two.
- Favorite Number I can count. Stairs and things, you know, with my counting finger. *holds up one sticky finger* One, dos, seven, nine, ten. I like those numbers. But my favourite is dos. *carefully holds up two sticky fingers*
Leche rosada or milk sugar - the drink of champion toddlers
Favorite Drink I like juice box and milk sugar (which is like Lola’s pink milk)
- Facebook or Twitter I’m not allowed on those. I basically use my ‘screen time’ to watch Peppa Pig and Charlie and Lola. If I want to chat to my friends or Granny or someone, I use the terrorphone [sic] or the Skype pipe.
- Your Passion I am still quite young, so I am not sure what my passion is. But what I love doing is dancing and gymnastics. I can do the spits [sic] and my Daddy is an extremely good human swinging machine.
- Giving or getting presents Erm, everything in wrapping paper (and all the things that aren’t) are for me right? It’s all mines [sic]. So, I don’t think that I understand the question. I’m going to ignore it.
- Favorite Day Don’t know my days yet. But I like the ones when I get presents and I see my friends. And if there’s a bouncy castle, well all the better for bouncing then.
- Favorite Flowers BIG ORANGE FLOWERS. Now let me have it. It’s MINES!

And now to pass the award on to some bloggers who also, like me, the Eponymous Bibsey, bring sunshine to blogland. The old lady has just passed me a list. Our sunshiny bloggers, who should, it goes with saying, feel under no obligation to respond, are:
thepinkrachael A-Z blogger and British expat in Madrid, who sometimes leaves her comments on the blog in Spanish. I like that.
Beth Lapin’s A to Z Blog An A-Z of the attributes of a good life. Go there and pick a letter any day of the month for inspirational thoughts.
Fab 40 Foibles A British expat in France and A-Z blogger who understands about difficult bedtimes and will fabricate PTA meetings to avoid them. I like her.
I’ll blog when I’m dead The brilliant Jess Topper – blogger, mother and rock and roll number cruncher in NYC. Another inspiration on the A-Z trail.
Expatbabyadventures The lovely, friendly Expat Mammy blogging from the land of clogs, tulips and windmills.
Older Mum (in a muddle) Fabulous and funny blogger who writes brilliantly. After much gallivanting she had her first child at the same ‘old’ age as I did.
Quiero Milk A Spaniard blogging about bilingualism and Bear Hunts. I must comment in Spanish on his blog. It’s fun. Check the link for his post on Michael Rosen’s classic.
Mañana Mama who I suspect has been working too hard recently in rainy London and perhaps could do with some sunshine. Her beautiful, wistful, playful blog about London life with her two girls, never fails to make me smile.
Wow. Introductions are exhausting, non? That’s eight and I think that that really must be all. Scribbler in Seville is already taken, as are the lovely Mum Of One and Helloitsgemma. And what I would really like to do is send the Sunshine straight back to the that nice lady Mary from Asturian Diary. xxx