Please let me not be the only one who has done terrible things to her baby. Here is the beginning of a long list of utterly dreadful things that I have inflicted on my child out of shear desperation, confusion and sleep deprivation…
#1. Forcing a dummy (something that she has never abided) into her mouth and inducing a fountain of sick that went in her eyes, ears, hair…
#2. Taking off the very end of her finger with the baby nail clippers. I can still hear the sound of the clippers (never been used since) slicing through skin…
#3. Nearly dropping her head first on the pavement as I tried to change a pooey nappy while she was in the buggy. It was very lucky that I had a good grip on her ankles. To his credit Totally Smitten Daddy said nothing (and he must have been dying to because he thought nappy changing in the buggy was a bad idea to start off with), I think the sight of my tears and obvious self-loathing were enough.

Take it easy love
More terrible things to follow no doubt. Please feel free to post your own Britney Spears moments here.