Looking forward to the New Year
Ha ha. End of Year report? Three years ago those words would have sent shivers through me and driven me to lunchtime drinking. To be fair, it didn’t take much on any day of the year, but the pub was definitely my friend around year end. Three years ago those words referred to the financial year end in March and all that that entailed.
Oh how my life has changed since then, when I had sit in meetings with scary financial bods, and other fabulous flotsam and jetsam, and defend my figures, always hoping that my colleagues didn’t think that I was too much of an idiot and wonder how the hell I had inveigled my way into a management meeting in the first place. God forbid that I would have to explain my figure for 2011. Zaftig.
These days the only meetings I have to attend are breakfast, lunch and tea. These are all compulsory and are chaired by my daughter. The agenda is very simple yet they are on occasion no less terrifying than the old style meeting. Misunderstandings can occur and food will fly instead of fur. I suppose that you could say corporate life is some kind of preparation for motherhood… tantrums are tantrums whether they are being thrown by your 20 month old or your MD. And you must deal with them. You must manage and appease, compromise and cajole. You must pull out every trick in the book to gently push your agenda and earn your break. But erm, for motherhood you don’t get paid. No matter. Job satisfaction is high. And churn is low.
Anywackers, I was going to write a brilliant round-up of the year. A year in Spain. A year in blogging. A year with Bibsey and Mr B. Something clever involving a balance sheet. And incidentally it would be my 100th post. Ta daaa and much fanfare and all that.
But seeing as the Year End report is no longer compulsory, and I am with my lovely family in the UK and the time is so precious, I am going to sack all that, join them all at the kitchen table, where the nieces are holding a hairdressing session (they have had their hair up in rags for the past two days) and wish you all a very happy New Year!